What Safety Equipment is Required on a Boat in Texas?

What Safety Equipment is Required on a Boat in Texas

If you want to know the exact, verified answers to your question, “What safety equipment is required on a boat in Texas?” these are the fundamentals: You need to be aware of the type and number of PFDs and fire extinguishers you must bring based on your vessel’s size and type. Continue reading to know …

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What Is a Control Marker? Everything You Need to Know!

what is a control marker

Safety should always be our priority when it comes to boating, and water markers help keep us safe by giving us assistance when it comes to navigation and information. However, it can be difficult to remember all of them, which leads to people having to ask questions such as “what is a control marker?” In …

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What is a Day Marker? – Reading Markers & Buoys

what is a day marker

You need to pay attention to the navigational markers you see when boating, like how you pay attention to the road signs. You need to know many navigational signs, but this article will answer the question: What is a day marker? A day marker is a navigational sign that aids a boater during daylight hours …

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V-Drive vs Direct Drive: What Makes Them Different?

v drive vs direct drive

Besides the passionate discussions of whether inboard, outboard, or inboard/outboards are better choices, there’s another that’s just as lively: V-Drive vs Direct Drive towboats. A V-Drive tends to be better for wakeboarding, has more storage space, and is more versatile, making it a good family boat. On the other hand, the old-school Direct Drive (or …

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What Is a Barge Boat? – Important Things to Know

what is a barge boat

Throughout history, boats and ships played a significant role in developing trade. Barges were also important in the industrial development of the world. Therefore, many might wonder what is a barge boat and what are barges used for? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the barge. We’ll take a look at its …

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How to Measure a Boat Trailer Axle? (w/ Images)

how to measure a boat trailer axle

At some point, your boat trailer axle may need replacement due to damage. Knowing how to measure a boat trailer axle is critical to ensure the replacement is accurate. The critical measures are the hub face, brake flange, spring center, and end-to-end spindle. This article will provide you with the steps to measure these things accurately. Stick …

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